About Us

The Ballinderry League was formed in the late 1960's by three members of the Ballinderry Badminton Club; Betty Totten, Eddie Kidd and John Mairs. It was formed to provide competitive badminton between local clubs. It started with 4 Clubs in 1 Mixed Division and grew to 8 divisions and was one of the largest leagues in Ulster.   However as with most sports there was been a dip in the number of teams playing badminton and this reflects in a reduction to what is running today.


The League in its early days was run by three people and has progressed to this current time being run by a Committee, which enables the workload of the League to be shared.

The Clubs who play in the league comes from Lisburn and its surrounding areas, Dungannon, Portadown, Belfast and its surrounding areas.   With travel not being a problem teams are welcomed from all areas of the Province.


As time moved on the League introduced changes to attract more players and teams in, and to this end a Gents, Ladies and Juvenile sections were introduced.   This has had beneficial effects as new clubs entered the League in order to participate, which has greatly strengthened us.

Covid happened in February 2020, which meant that all badminton ceased from that day until the outbreak was over.   February 2022 was the day that the outbreak was confirmed as over and this allowed badminton to restart as a sport.  The League however did not reassume until the new season which started in September 2022.


The League is part of the Ulster Branch of the Badminton Union of Ireland and we have representations on the various committees that they operate, this helps in the development and participation of the League.

History of Our League

The following information is applicable to our League

1. Mixed League

The teams consist of 4-gents and 4-ladies playing 2-gents, 2-ladies and 4-mixed doubles, a total of 8 matches.    A point is awarded for each match won making an overall total of 8 points available between the two teams.     Matches are on a home and away basis.       It is an aim of the League that there should be five teams in each division if numbers permit; this is in order to have a satisfactory number of matches during the season.        

Division 1 is the premier division of our League and in order to have a high quality division the format of this division can change to 2 gents and 2 ladies, if the League Committee decides.    The match would then consist of 1-gents, 1-ladies and 4-mixed doubles, a total of 6 matches, with 6 points available between the two teams.

The winners of each division receive a Cup at the end of the season.       In addition each division plays in its own Knockout Cup Competition, the finals being played in the National Badminton Centre, Lisburn during March of each season.

Covid stopped all badminton and when the League resumed the Mixed League did not take place

2. Gents League

Started during the 1998/99 season.    This started with 6-gents playing doubles, a total of 6 matches.   A trophy for the league was introduced in 2000, which has enhanced the competition.     All matches are played on a home and away basis.

2008 saw a change in the setup to having teams of 4-gents, playing doubles, a total of 4 matches.   A point is awarded for each match won making an overall total of 6 points available between the two teams. 

3. Ladies League

Started during 1999/2000 season.   Teams consisted of 4-ladies, playing doubles, a total of 4 matches.   A point is awarded for each match won making an overall total of 6 points available between the two teams. 

A trophy for the league was introduced in 2000, which has enhanced the competition.    All matches are played on a home and away basis.

Unfortunately due to insufficient team entering this League stopped at the end of the season 2018 / 2019

4. Juvenile League

Started in 1984.   Its aim was to promote badminton for young players within our clubs, which would also assist in strengthening the adult clubs as time went on.    Teams consisted of 2-boys, 2-girls, playing 2-boys doubles, 2-girls doubles and 4-mixed doubles, a total of 8 matches.

In 2007 a change was made in order to strengthen the League and to make it easier for clubs to get players and hence play competitive badminton.    The format for teams now is 2-boys, 2-girls playing 1-boys doubles, 1-girls doubles and 4-mixed doubles, a total of 6 matches.        A point is awarded for each match won making an overall total of 6 points available between the two teams.     All matches are played on a home or away basis.

The winners of each division receive a Cup at the end of the season.       Matches are usually played on Saturday afternoons, but some are played during the week.   In addition a Knockout Cup Competition is played with the two divisions combining, the finals being played in the National Badminton Centre, Lisburn during March of each season. 

Unfortunately due to insufficient team entering this League stopped at the end of the season 2017 / 2018

5. Tournaments

Yearly tournaments open only to Ballinderry League players were played in the past, but due to lack of support, this has not been run for a number of seasons and have been put them on ice for the time being.

6. General

All games within the Ballinderry league are played the best of three sets to 21 points per set and setting to 31 if necessary

Plastic shuttles are used in all Adult & Juvenile Mixed Divisions, except for Adult Division 1 where feathered shuttle are used.    Gents and Ladies Divisions have the choice of using feathered or plastic shuttles and this is decided by the home team

At the end of the season, usually mid April, we have our Annual Dinner Dance, which is held, in a hotel or other suitable venue, where the trophies for the various league and cup winners are presented.    Our Annual General Meeting held in Lisburn Racquets Club follows this a few days later.

The League is run by a committee of 7, made up of one life member and six elected at the Annual General Meeting.

When the Ulster Branch ran Inter league tournaments we also enter teams in the Gilbert Trophy competition, Todd Trophy and Minor Cup.   Our Juvenile League enters into the Graham Trophy and Jack Wilson Trophy competition.

League Committee

The League Committee, elected at the League’s Annual General Meeting in April from the clubs that participate. 

At the first meeting of the new season the League Committee appoint the people responsible for the various positions within the League.   

The Clubs they come from and the positions they hold within and outside the Ballinderry League are shown below.    In addition to these elected members there is one Life Member, who also serves on the Committee

Club RepresentedPosition
Alec McCullagh
Magheragall PresChair & UBBUI Member
Tony Clarke
KillowenGeneral & Match Secretary & UBBUI Member
Graeme Clarke
KillowenTreasurer & UBBUI Member
William Martin
LoughagheryCommittee member & UBBUI Member
Lisa Wison
LoughagheryCommittee Member
Terry Reid
BallinderryCommittee Member
Eddie Kidd
Ballinderry C of ICommittee member & Life Member